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Routing Numbers By State

Bank of America Routing Number By State

Today we are talking about Bank of America and more specifically, we will be talking about how to find your
Bank of America routing number. So let's go ahead and get this started.

So a brief overview of what a routing the number is, basically it is a numeric address, it identifies the bank or at least the regional  portion of your bank wherever you open your account up.

They are separated usually state-by-state so just be aware of that. You can't just use any routing number for that particular Bank. You should look up the most specific routing number to the branch that you opened your account in. 

Below is a comprehensive table listing all the routing numbers for the bank of America.

# State Routing Number Electronic Transactions Wire Transfer
1 Alabama 051000017 051000017 026009593
2 Alaska 051000017 051000017 026009593
3 Arizona 122101706 122101706 026009593
4 Arkansas 082000073 082000073 026009593
5 California 121000358 121000358 026009593
6 Colorado 123103716 123103716 026009593
7 Connecticut 011900254 011900254 026009593
8 Delaware 031202084 031202084 026009593
9 Florida, East 063100277 063100277 026009593
10 Florida, West 063100277 063100277 026009593
11 Georgia 061000052 61000052 026009593
12 Hawaii 051000017 051000017 026009593
13 Idaho 123103716 123103716 026009593
14 Illinois, South 081904808 081904808 026009593
15 Illinois, North 071000505 071000505 026009593
16 Illinois, Chicago Metro 081904808 081904808 026009593
17 Indiana 071214579 071214579 026009593
18 Iowa 073000176 073000176 026009593
19 Kansas 101100045 101100045 026009593
20 Kentucky 051000017 051000017 026009593
21 Louisiana 051000017 051000017 026009593
22 Maine 011200365 011200365 026009593
23 Maryland 052001633 052001633 026009593
24 Massachusetts 011000138 011000138 026009593
25 Michigan 072000805 072000805 026009593
26 Minnesota 071214579 071214579 026009593
27 Mississippi 051000017 051000017 026009593
28 Missouri East/St.Louis 081000032 081000032 026009593
29 Missouri West/Kansas City 081000032 081000032 026009593
30 Montana 051000017 051000017 026009593
31 Nebraska 051000017 051000017 026009593
32 Nevada 122400724 122400724 026009593
33 New Hampshire 011400495 011400495 026009593
34 New Jersey 021200339 021200339 026009593
35 New Mexico 107000327 107000327 026009593
36 New York 021000322 021000322 026009593
37 North Carolina 053000196 053000196 026009593
38 North Dakota 051000017 051000017 026009593
39 Ohio 071214579 051000017 026009593
40 Oklahoma 103000017 103000017 026009593
41 Oregon 323070380 323070380 026009593
42 Pennsylvania 031202084 031202084 026009593
43 Rhode Island 011500010 011500010 026009593
44 South Carolina 053904483 053904483 026009593
45 South Dakota 051000017 051000017 026009593
46 Tennessee 064000020 064000020 026009593
47 Texas, North 111000025 111000025 026009593
48 Texas, South 113000023 111000025 026009593
50 Utah 123103716 051000017 026009593
51 Vermont 051000017 051000017 026009593
52 Virginia 051000017 051000017 026009593
53 Washington 125000024 125000024 026009593
54 Washington, D.C. 054001204 054001204 026009593
55 West Virginia 051000017 051000017 026009593
56 Wisconsin 051000017 051000017 026009593
57 Wyoming 051000017 051000017 026009593

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